Accelerated Mobile Pages are HTML pages that use a variety of technical techniques to load content almost instantly, to speed up loading and provide a better user experience. Later this year, sites that implement AMP pages will be visible across Google search results pages on mobile, expanding the visibility of AMP pages. This is for all types of sites, including e-commerce, entertainment, travel, recipes, and more. AMPProject.org's "Participants" page highlights sites that have already implemented his AMP content. Try the demo to see AMP pages in action. A lightning bolt symbol is now displayed when searching on mobile devices. This will indicate that this is an AMP compatible page.
To support AMP, you need to comply with the following five rules. AMP HTML declaration Oman Phone Number Data Specify meta element Specify canonical pages with canonical tags Change to AMP tag Specifying JSON-LD It is said that the lack of support does not directly affect rankings, but you should not be complacent. Mobile compatibility will affect search results, so unless there is a special reason, you should make it AMP compatible. For more information, please visit the Google Search Console help page for more information. However, current AMP-compatible pages are limited to simple designs. The current situation is that there is a trade-off between adopting UI/UX and AMP support, so many companies seem to be taking a wait-and-see approach.

By incorporating mechanisms such as frameworks and web applications, you can achieve faster display speeds. Please see the article below for more details. ・Thorough explanation of each article type. What is the advantage in terms of SEO measures? ・What is CDN? A simple explanation of the difference from AMP and its impact on SEO. Is it even faster than AMP? https-based https is an abbreviation for "Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure" and is a protocol for secure http communication. As shopping on e-commerce sites has become mainstream, "name", "address", "date of birth", and "credit card information" are subject to data tampering and falsification by third parties during communication under http.