Will not be able to know that the said page is in noindex to block all crawlers meta name robots content noindex to block googlebot meta name googlebot content noindex resources on the subject overview of the robotstxt file and guide google search central google documentation crawl and indexing despite ban via robotstxt file another disadvantage if a page is disallowed but it receives links google will not be able to distribute the juice from these links among the links present on the page since he cant explore it so it would be a complete waste of juice what is a user agent or user agent a user agent is any software acting on behalf of a
user that retrieves renders and facilitates enduser interaction with web content every device that browses the web is assigned a user agent whether bots or humans for humans for example we will be able to see Hong Kong Phone Number the browser used as well as the operating system every time you connect to a website your browser sends its useragent to that website thanks to the robotstxt file webmasters can give specific instructions to bots by placing instructions for each user agent for example you want to in a robotstxt file website administrators can provide specific instructions for specific bots by writing different instructions for bot user agents the syntax of the robotstxt file robots txt syntax the robotstxt file includes terms that you will commonly encounter disallow this is the command to prevent the exploration of a chosen url allow
this command tells googlebot and itself that it can have access to a page or subfolder even if the parent page or parent folder is prohibited useragent this involves choosing which crawler you send your instructions to crawldelay tells crawlers how many seconds to wait before crawling the content of a page googlebot ignores this indication sitemap it is used to indicate the location of the sitemapxmls to crawlers resource how google interprets the robotstxt specification documentation how web off piste can help me the off track web team supports you to define and optimize the digital strategy