We found out that there are advertisers whose owner wants to direct part of the advertising money to such media because he wants to support pluralism in the media market. Until now, such contractors lacked a path," notes Matoušek.Small business teamKuráž Media wants to report the attendance of the involved projects as part of the standard measurement of the Association for Internet Development SPIR.
The project has the ambition to connect media that have not yet been measured to Chinese American Phone Number List NetMonitor and, together with those that are already measured, to issue a joint so-called Kuráž Media pack.UX DAy - tip The media agency is also currently building its own sales department. "The goal is to create a small, powerful, maximally effective team. We can offer forms of cooperation from completely external occasional cooperation to FTE.

One of the ways is the involvement of participating media traders who will want to support it," says Řehák. According to him, participating media outlets that provide their marketers will be rewarded for acquiring a client.The project was prepared for several months by a team consisting of experienced media experts the aforementioned entrepreneur Tomáš Řehák he is also the CEO of Kuráž Media s.r.o.