Imagine Mirek a typical used car salesman. Visualize it as clearly as you can. Tell yourself Mirek's story. What does he look like what does he like how does he spend his free time does he have a wife does he have children what are his motivations for making decisions? Where does he go on holiday and why? Go further. How does Mirek say? How does it encourage customers to buy? What jokes does he make up his sleeve?
Ready? My Mirek is approximately years old. Waiting for him at home is his wife Todzia and his teenage son Łukasz. The older son – Krzysiek – moved with his wife to the block next door. Mirek has a mustache slightly graying hair and is sligArgentina WhatsApp Numberhtly but clearly overweight. In the summer he wears cargo shorts and a lightcolored shortsleeved shirt and in the winter baggy light jeans a sweater and a leather jacket that unfortunately has seen better days.
Regardless of the season Mirek wears a fanny pack on his belt. Mirek – a typical car dealer Mirek is not a man with an academic education but he could easily write more than one master's thesis on direct sales. to find sharp and witty answers to most customer objections. Additionally he shoots socalled biscuits left and right. Such a description is a nicely outlined although incomplete buyer persona.. If I were selling a product that the Mirki of this world buy he would be my buyer persona and the presented description would be a sketch for a full description of the buyer persona.