Building loyalty, to be carried out reliably, correctly and quickly. Thus, database administration must ensure data integry. Agily and performance in processes How many times have you been faced wh the delay in locating important data? Or even wh the lack of a reliable database, crashing even internal systems? Wh an organized and structured database in an intelligent system , you won't go through this anymore. You stay in control, gaining greater efficiency.
Productivy in your company's processes . decision making Well-organized and categorized information is every manager's dream, isn't ? Databases are essential to build a solid and structured base, facilating the definion of strategies moible number data and decision-making processes by managers . 2. Database Management Software Vendors and Types We currently have a wide variety of database management software available . However, is important to be clear about the specific needs of your company.

Size and the entire context surrounding this data. The types of databases are nothing more than different management and organization technologies , wh a specific language and therefore have peculiaries. There are two main types of database : 1 – Relational database: in this type, data can be grouped and shown in tables, that is, wh rows and columns, these tables being related through their data that make up the primary key. Wh this, is possible to establish specific relationships between two or more selected tables.